When you work from home, which typically means you don't have many social interactions, it is easy to let some of your normal daily personal up keep and hygiene practices slide. So just about every week is some form of No Shave with no excuse other than being lazy.
I'm sure this Movember or No Shave November thing is not popular with the ladies, in general. Most women don't really care for facial hair. It just makes most guys look sloppy and aged. For the younger males, who are just getting there first few whiskers, they mostly look like they have dirt on their face. My red headed, 18 year old son, for example, has a spotty, thin hint of facial hair and really just looks like he has red clay stains on his face (since we live in the red clay state that is highly probable).
I'm sure this whole thing of not shaving in November to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancers, both strictly male issues, was a response to the wear pink to raise awareness for breast cancer. The wear pink thing some how successfully infiltrated great male bastions of maleness like football and NASCAR, and men didn't like it. In football it has trickled all the way down to the pee-wee level of football. Little boys wearing pink socks to play football. Kids so young they won't understand the thrill of a boob grope for another 8-10 years. How could this of happened?
One thing for sure, the No Shave November will come to a screeching halt if women start setting their collective razors aside and let the forest of hair take over their legs, pits and nether regions. Maybe guys need to just adopt a color for the cause. How about some shade of green, the typical color a guy turns when your nuts have been kicked or your prostate squeezed.
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