I haven't felt too inspired lately to write. I don't have any particular ax to grind, I'm not in a deep funk or manic phase, I'm pretty even keeled right now. That being said, I've been wondering what about my blog is bringing people here to read. I'm able to keep track of activity to the blog and it has been steadily gaining visits. What I see is about 25% are repeat visitors, Thank you to y'all. With, duh, the balance, 75%, being one time, first time visitors. (Thanks to you also). So I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how to appeal to my audience, to really make it grow.
I posted a long time ago I wanted to start a regular comic feature and have it posted here. Obviously I've failed at that endeavor. I've not mustered the discipline to be regular. Heck lately I'm not doodling as much during the day. Or at least not random undirected doodles. I've found myself limiting my doodles to the development of ideas for cards and gifts to stock my
Greeting Card Store and
Cafe Press store. I've focused my efforts there for two reasons, exposure and earnings. Additionally, I've worked on spreading out the tentacles to create buzz or a following by tweeting, and promoting a follow on Facebook. I just wish I could figure out that magic switch to go viral. Is it one thing or a collective, ever building thing that burst out like a dormant volcano?
What do you want from me? What can I give you?
So what is it you are interested in? Are the visits and future visits just random occurrences associated to nonspecific post that just come up on random Google searches? Are the repeat visitors interested in the struggle I present, or the doodles, or find me funny in some way? Are you patiently waiting to for me to develop a regular feature? Is it my warped perspective on life and my rambling commentary on disassociated events?
Will my success come from one venture or a convergence of success from the blog, Facebook, greeting card, and gift items? Do I need to go back to marketing to newspapers, where I found a market once before? I hope I can uncover some clue to provide me the direction to drive this endeavor.
I'm selling cards, but not a dime from cafepress.com. I figure for the limited number of cards I have for sale, I'm not doing too bad, but it befuddles me why not one single item has sold in the shirts and gifts. I did read some research the other day about greeting card buyers and found that (not too surprising) the majority of card buyers are women. Maybe the cafepress.com buyer is the same. Without a doubt I think like a guy, most of the time. So I'm thinking if I want to really gain some success in greeting cards I've got to start thinking more like a woman. Basically, get in touch with my feminine humor side, if that can even be done. Or can I figure out a way to gain notoriety via the blog for just being who I am. Can one drive the other? or Are they all independent? The question abound.
This all reminds me of the Boondawgoggles Shirt I have on Cafe Press: "What Me Worry?"
http://www.cafepress.com/oneguydrawing.776332795 |