Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Custom Cartoons for Businesses
For the last several years this financial planner has asked me to create a custom cartoon for his email he sends to his clients on their birthdays. This is for 2015. Must be working.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
One Girl Walking 2185 Miles in 111 Days, ALONE
hiker alone accept the sounds of the dark woods. Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, doodles, One Guy Drawing |
This young lady, trail name Wired, just finished her 2185 mile hike yesterday after 111 days on the trail. She updated a blog daily with wit, candor, and pictures sharing her day to day trials, tribulations (like her monthly periods) and triumphs along with the characters and players that make an AT thru hike an unique experience.
Yesterday's completion of the AT makes her a triple crown long hiker having previously completed the CDT (Continental Divide Trail) and PCT (Pacific Coast Trail).
I encourage you to start at Day One and make reading her blog the daily start to your day for the next 111 days.
Walking With Wired: Day 111: Katahdin Baby!: The Birches Campsite(2180.1)-Mt Katahdin(2185.3) Maine Aug 5th 5.2mi + 4.3 Knife Edge=9.5mi Elevation chart courtesy of Guthook's AT...
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Psychologist and Therapist - Analyze Me For A Good Laugh
I don't know where I came across this but thought it might be an interesting exercise to share.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Best Steak Grilling Techniques - Test Strip 21
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Test Strip 19
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
I Love the Look of Traditional Dip Pen Inking
I was messing around with the settings on a new printer the other day and printed out this rough from my TEST STRIP series in non-photo blue. It sat on my desk for weeks until I just couldn't help but pull out the bottle of INDIA ink and dip pen and ink it in part way. I just thought I'd share. Might only be of interest to those that have ever done any inking.
![]() |
Inking with a dip pen for the fun. Obviously there are globs and smudges as I didn't intend to publish this. |
Test Strip 17
I have an idea of where I'm headed with this, but right now it is just as it flowed from my head, through my pen to this sketch pad. Life is random remember, and not alway summed up in neat little packages. It takes time to see the big picture.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Setting The Record Straight
I feel it is time to re-iterate, or explain the realities of my world and how they intersect with your world.
Why the need to make this explanation? Well because there seems to be some misconception, or misunderstanding of what you should expect from this blog. As I spell out in my masthead, what you will get here is, "doodles and thoughts". The art will not always, and rarely will match the article, they are doodles and the blog post are random thoughts and ideas. I don't promise finished, print quality, art work. I don't promise entire completed ready for the printing press articles. The reason? Well, quite frankly, I reserve such for people that pay. That's right pay. If you want to see finished, colored cartoons or fully edited and spelling/grammar checked articles, it will cost you. Unless I post something that someone else paid for when my rights allow it.
How does this intersect with your world? Well much of what I stated is true for your world also. No denying we share that reality. You can allocate the use of your TIME anyway you choose. If you don't want to allocate it to anything but completed, polished and ready for prime time art and articles, then fine. If you think about that just for a second you'll realize you make that decision when you pay for cable/satellite TV, or buy a magazine or newspaper, or subject yourself to the advertisements on most websites.
Why the need to for this explanation? Well on occasion I get someone that points out that a drawing isn't just right in some manner, or they can't read the sketchy writing on my sketch pad. Well duh, it is all just "doodles and thoughts"....not organized, and fussed over. You are getting a peek into my unwashed world. Truth without sugar or spit shine.
Why the need to make this explanation? Well because there seems to be some misconception, or misunderstanding of what you should expect from this blog. As I spell out in my masthead, what you will get here is, "doodles and thoughts". The art will not always, and rarely will match the article, they are doodles and the blog post are random thoughts and ideas. I don't promise finished, print quality, art work. I don't promise entire completed ready for the printing press articles. The reason? Well, quite frankly, I reserve such for people that pay. That's right pay. If you want to see finished, colored cartoons or fully edited and spelling/grammar checked articles, it will cost you. Unless I post something that someone else paid for when my rights allow it.
How does this intersect with your world? Well much of what I stated is true for your world also. No denying we share that reality. You can allocate the use of your TIME anyway you choose. If you don't want to allocate it to anything but completed, polished and ready for prime time art and articles, then fine. If you think about that just for a second you'll realize you make that decision when you pay for cable/satellite TV, or buy a magazine or newspaper, or subject yourself to the advertisements on most websites.
Why the need to for this explanation? Well on occasion I get someone that points out that a drawing isn't just right in some manner, or they can't read the sketchy writing on my sketch pad. Well duh, it is all just "doodles and thoughts"....not organized, and fussed over. You are getting a peek into my unwashed world. Truth without sugar or spit shine.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Drunk Selfie Prompts Cartoonist To Change Logo
When you find yourself taking selfies with empty beer boxes on your head, there might be a problem.
I was looking through my camera memory and found this picture. Then I made this doodle.
Maybe I should change my logo.
What do you think?
I was looking through my camera memory and found this picture. Then I made this doodle.
Maybe I should change my logo.
What do you think?
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Bio-Rhythm Cycles, Yes I Have One
All day today I've been saying to myself, "I've lost my passion", "I've lost my imagination", "Damn I really feel depressed." Then just a minute or two ago I thought maybe I'll post something here, spread the depression and misery around. Oh, lucky you. Then it crossed my mind that I seem to do that a lot here, and remembered having similar thoughts and posting similar boring depressing thoughts about monitoring my bio-rhythm. So I searched my blog post for "bio-rhythm". Sure enough there are four post where I specifically talk about bio-rhythm and wondering what if I have a pattern or cycle.
Well, I'll be damn if I don't have what seems to be a cycle. Of the four post three are about feeling low, unmotivated, no passion, depressed, etc...two are early August time period and one in April, each from different years. So assuming that I've actually posted, or at least mentioned the words "bio-rhythm" in all my up or down mood post I seem to be on some annual super cycle. I looked up depressed also and there are a lot of post where that is mentioned. I guess I'm just not happy very much anymore.
I really don't know what I'm talking about, and becoming more disenchanted with every word. How the hell can I continue to cycle so low like this for so many years? Is this normal? Or do I really need to seek help or break my pattern and just do something else. Am I on the fast track to suicide?
Will I ever be the envy of anyone? I seem to come across people that I do envy. Mostly those free spirits that are doing their own thing because that is what they want to do, not because they have to do, like a homeless person. Speaking of homeless people I rode Greyhound the other day. It was a fine ride, not bad experience but the worse part of it is waiting at the station. Both stations, start and end, are located smack dab in the middle of a city. Each with its own population of hovering, down trodden people who make it their business to bother you. It is just plain uncomfortable and highly irritating. Yea, the average, or majority of Greyhound patrons are pretty sketchy, at least from my perspective, and sitting around the station waiting to board seems a bit dicey and quickly made me realize I am so suburban. My city antenna are rusty and in need of a tune up.
Well thanks for reading. Sorry for the lack of sketches or drawings. I'll get back to that soon. If I can ever regain my imagination.
Well, I'll be damn if I don't have what seems to be a cycle. Of the four post three are about feeling low, unmotivated, no passion, depressed, etc...two are early August time period and one in April, each from different years. So assuming that I've actually posted, or at least mentioned the words "bio-rhythm" in all my up or down mood post I seem to be on some annual super cycle. I looked up depressed also and there are a lot of post where that is mentioned. I guess I'm just not happy very much anymore.
I really don't know what I'm talking about, and becoming more disenchanted with every word. How the hell can I continue to cycle so low like this for so many years? Is this normal? Or do I really need to seek help or break my pattern and just do something else. Am I on the fast track to suicide?
Will I ever be the envy of anyone? I seem to come across people that I do envy. Mostly those free spirits that are doing their own thing because that is what they want to do, not because they have to do, like a homeless person. Speaking of homeless people I rode Greyhound the other day. It was a fine ride, not bad experience but the worse part of it is waiting at the station. Both stations, start and end, are located smack dab in the middle of a city. Each with its own population of hovering, down trodden people who make it their business to bother you. It is just plain uncomfortable and highly irritating. Yea, the average, or majority of Greyhound patrons are pretty sketchy, at least from my perspective, and sitting around the station waiting to board seems a bit dicey and quickly made me realize I am so suburban. My city antenna are rusty and in need of a tune up.
Well thanks for reading. Sorry for the lack of sketches or drawings. I'll get back to that soon. If I can ever regain my imagination.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Pages From My Sketch Pad - A Quick Catch Up
I've been otherwise distracted or busy lately. I was out of my office for an entire month doing onsite work, which was just a huge waste of my time and completely unappreciated as best I can tell. I did some doodling, but very little and on random scrap paper as it was very difficult to focus on the task at hand and draw.
I had two computers crash. Both had hard drive failure. I swear it is a plot by Microsoft to force me to get off of Windows XP operating system as they both crashed after one of those overnight updates. So to say the least I've not been motivated or able to scan and update.
I've started testing out to see what kind of feed back I get. Check it out
Here's all the pages from my sketch pad since my last update
I had two computers crash. Both had hard drive failure. I swear it is a plot by Microsoft to force me to get off of Windows XP operating system as they both crashed after one of those overnight updates. So to say the least I've not been motivated or able to scan and update.
I've started testing out to see what kind of feed back I get. Check it out
Here's all the pages from my sketch pad since my last update
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Recycling - Isn't Everything Able To Be Recycled?
worm, worm hole, time travel, fruits, apple sauce, Boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, one guy drawing,doodles |
I pay attention to what I'm throwing away and began to notice just about everything I put in the trash could be recycled. How is that? Well, you can recycle paper, glass, metal, and plastic, so think about it, other than food, what isn't made of one of those four things. Yea I know there are some specific things recycling doesn't want, which baffles me if it isn't good enough to recycle why the hell do we want it buried in a land fill, that's a topic for another day, but in general most everyday things are one of those four materials. So why don't I just recycle everything? Mainly it is because I keep my small recycling bin outside my back kitchen door, fill it up and dump into the roll away can and I'm only comfortable tossing in the bin the things that won't attract varmints. Yet we had a opossum in it the other night. So I don't put in those papers, plastic and some open cans that I don't feel like taking the time to clean before I throw them away.
Boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, sketches, character study |
Here is a good question for anyone in the recycling business. Why does it request on the recycling bin to only put clean things? Or even broader, how is it that there is not a big machine that could shake out the trash that is not desired, which I contend is very little, and the organic stuff, food waste, wouldn't it just burn off when the plastic, paper, wood, glass or metal are processed? So in general why doesn't all of our garbage just get labeled recycling?
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Test Strip 13
Sunday, April 27, 2014
After Having Kids, The Rest Of My Life Is Just For Show
For some reason a series of thoughts went through my head the other day in sequential order of what is the worst thing that someone could do to me or happen to me. I'm sure I was stressing over some late bill.
I could be bankrupt, not so bad many people have been bankrupt and come back. A little embarrassing, maybe not the thing you want your kids to see, but again, there are a lot of now successful well know businesses that were the second, third or umpteenth try.
Take everything I own away, either by theft, foreclosure, fire, basically just think you've got nothing. Yea a pain in the ass, but really would I miss any of it. Probably not. Think minimalist...see earlier post I just don't think it is that big a deal having a bunch of shit.
Let me fast forward some. Prison. Throw me in prison. Now that gets me concerned. I think I could survive, but man I'd have to really get that thousand yard stare and become psycho. The solitude, separation, being caged and such doesn't really bother me. It is all the other crazy shit and crazy ass bastards in there. I just imagine it to be like being in a jungle fire fight 24/7. I could just die or kill myself.
Death. I'm not particularly afraid of death. We all get to do it, we just don't know when. Yea I've often been known to say I want to live just beyond July 2076, but really who gives a crap. My thought here is I've done what I'm supposed to do. There's really only one reason for any living thing to be, that is to make more more living things. You don't get grand kids without a generation of kids. Each generation begets the next and so on. So for all practical purposes once you've created more living copies of yourself you are done. All the rest is just for show.
So this is how I came to the conclusion, there really isn't anything bad that you can do to me that really matters. Equally, there really isn't anything I should be doing other than enjoying myself and doing what the fuck I want, and not be too concerned about others. I don't mean in a way that I want to kill or purposely hurt anyone. Just that why the hell does me doing anything more than what I want to do matter? Why stress over anything. What is the worse you can do to me? Nothing asshole.
We are just recycled matter to be recycled again.
Doodles, random, Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, |
Take everything I own away, either by theft, foreclosure, fire, basically just think you've got nothing. Yea a pain in the ass, but really would I miss any of it. Probably not. Think minimalist...see earlier post I just don't think it is that big a deal having a bunch of shit.
Let me fast forward some. Prison. Throw me in prison. Now that gets me concerned. I think I could survive, but man I'd have to really get that thousand yard stare and become psycho. The solitude, separation, being caged and such doesn't really bother me. It is all the other crazy shit and crazy ass bastards in there. I just imagine it to be like being in a jungle fire fight 24/7. I could just die or kill myself.
Take responsibility for yourself, basement dweller, manga, is crap, Easter bunny, egg, Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, One Guy Drawing |
So this is how I came to the conclusion, there really isn't anything bad that you can do to me that really matters. Equally, there really isn't anything I should be doing other than enjoying myself and doing what the fuck I want, and not be too concerned about others. I don't mean in a way that I want to kill or purposely hurt anyone. Just that why the hell does me doing anything more than what I want to do matter? Why stress over anything. What is the worse you can do to me? Nothing asshole.
We are just recycled matter to be recycled again.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Peeping Toms in Public Bathroom, Are There A Lot?
Prom dress, model, translation, dick head, Boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, one guy drawing, doodles, boondawgoggle |
See some guys will pull off a six foot long section of toilet paper and drape it in way that it covers the crack that exist on either side of the bathroom stall door, structure and the wall. This creates a curtain or visual shield. I have only been able to surmise the purpose of these streaming toilet paper curtains is prevent someone from peeping through the crack.
Now you have to wonder a few things. Do women do the same thing, has this individual been the victim of a public bathroom peeping Tom, are they doing something illegal in the stall, are they really that bashful, how do you become that shy, what do they think of all the other guys in the world.
Only women readers of this blog can shed light on the first as I've not been in too many women's bathrooms. So women please chime in.
Regarding looking up and seeing someone purposely peering back at you through the crack of the stall, once is unnerving, but how many times does that have to happen before you get completely paranoid? I've been shitting in public bathrooms for years all over the country and world and have yet had this occur. If peeping Toms are the reason then it must be happening a lot judging by the toilet paper curtains I've seen.
Bashful? I'm sorry if this is the reason get over yourself. Normal guys are not sneaking a peek at you while you coup a squat. Most guys do everything they can to overt their eyes to the extent that making eye contact in the bathroom is rare. It's like looking at someone in the elevator...just not comfortable.
To think other guys are cutting their eyes to look into the crack just doesn't say a lot about what you think of other guys, and actually says volumes about the person who has hung the curtain. As in most people believe other people do the same as they do, and hence by default the curtain hanger is most likely a sneaky stall snooper.
witch, naked, flirty, one little mistake, pens goop, Boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, one guy drawing, doodles, boondawgoggle |
Doing something illegal behind those curtains makes sense but it doesn't. I contend these curtains draw more attention then not having them. Most public restrooms aren't so busy all the time that you could not find a moment in time long enough to do whatever illegal activity you'd consider doing in a 4x6 box. But criminal types aren't known for their brilliant use of reasoning, logic and forethought.
One final note on this "phenomenon", well two. First, if you are going to create a toilet paper curtain have the decency to remove it. Second, are these individuals the same ones that use reams of toilet paper to create a barrier between their sensitive tush and the toilet seat. Again stop being such a dweeb.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Bed Wetting - Feel The Sensation
life insurance, sales, closing tactic,worse, beaver, machine gun boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, one guy drawing, doodles |
Idea, relaxed, kids, reflection, Boon, Cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, one guy drawing, doodles |
I'm not even going to attempt to psychoanalyze this. I'm just going to leave it to you. See if you can relax your mind, your anxieties, stress, desire to conform and do the socially acceptable things in life and access just fora moment that peaceful, ahh feeling that is associated with wetting the bed.
Life Insurance gag ideas, grim reaper, death, boon, cartoons, cartoonist for hire, boondawgoggle, one guy drawing, doodles |
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