Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Purpose Of The Blog Explained

Mixing up the looks and angles of looking.  The dude slumped over express my general mood on any given day.

As a kid when I was drawing random cartoons my sister would always ask, "Who's that?" to which I would always respond, "Nobody.  It's just a drawing or doodle."  It always aggravated me for her to think every cartoon was supposed to be someone or something, when most of the time I was just doodling and creating random looks and posses.  Equally, I never quite understood how she seemed to think they all looked alike.  "Looked alike!!??" I'd exclaim, "No more than every person on the planet looks alike!  If you mean they all have a nose and eyes in the same relative association with their month, then yea I guess they do look alike, but considering they have different noses, eyes, hair and other features they surely don't look alike."  Maybe if you aren't a cartoonist you can't see the detail.  Maybe it is like me not being able to tell one chimp from another without some obvious variation.  Then there is our very human need to name animals or even things (cars) that we are around a lot.  Maybe I've missed the need for people to have continuity of character when it has come to this blog.  So let me explain my purpose here.

The primary purpose of this blog is to provide a venue to showcase my skills in order to establish or garner enough interest from people to prompt them to inquire about hiring me to create and draw cartoons.  And it is with such an objective that what I generally post, image wise, are pages from my sketch pad which are generally going to be random doodles with no continuity or connection from one day to the next.  There is no central character beyond me.  I am Boon.  Boon is not a character.  Boon is the creator of characters.

The editorializing and verbiage of the blog post for the most part are a means to attract and draw viewers to the blog.  That being said I do enjoy the writing and do also believe that some editor will read these words of wit and reach out when the need arises.

Has anyone ever paid me to draw cartoons?  You beat they have and still do.  

I am a cartoonist for hire. 

Let be close with this request of you, the reader, share your insights.  Is the blog to broad in theme?  Would it be better received if it was built around a central character or more easily identifiable voice, position or theme?  Is there currently anyone in the position as a buyer of such services even reading this blog?

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