Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012 - Merry Christmas

You got spared some really naught ideas.  I'll share the doodles later.

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Card 2012 - Logo

Okay.  Christmas card 2012.  It's been mailed, and should be in most mailboxes by now.  Since I will be heading out on vacation come Saturday I'm going to set up the release of the actual card using the time delay post, and have it come out on December 25th.  But here is the logo that went on the back.  As I've said in previous post, the logo usually follows the theme of the card.  There's your clue.

One Guy Drawing - Store

One Guy Drawing - Greeting Cards

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Greeting Cards Online

I discovered something the other day.  It is like Cafe Press where I have my online store for mugs, shirts and stuff, but it is for creating and selling greeting cards, GreetingCardUniverse.  I started loading Christmas cards up there on Monday, there is an approval process so they are not all showing, but one is approved and has already had sales.  Wohoo for me.  I thought that was pretty cool.

Understanding we are really close to Christmas, and seeing that their is a delay, I only loaded about 5 XMas cards.  I've started loading Valentines cards.  Then it gave me the idea to cross pollinate to CafePress.   But I'm going to fill up One Guy Drawing Cards it is so easy.

So a few of the cards you've seen from my past can now be bought and shared.

Yes, I've got this year's Christmas card done, and mailed.  I'm waiting until closer to Christmas to share with y'all.  I might start putting the roughs and scratch pad ideas up later.

This is my first Valentine card posted
Card inside:  I've got a Heart On for you

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas 2010 - Strip Search

There had been a lot of news and discussion all year long about new scanning and TSA searches at airports to thwart terrorist this year.  So of course Santa can't be left out.  Rudolph's look before his cavity search is funny to me as well as the candy cane g-string.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas 2009 - Starting to Move Away From Family Themes

By now I'm getting tired of family friendly themes.  Now it is about what makes me laugh.  The elves crack me up.  It is a play on what guys do in New Orleans or more specifically what me and some friends would yell at this motocross race we went to in our teens, "Show Us Your Tits!"

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas 2008 - I Hate Family Photo Cards

 The card for 2008 was without a doubt the hardest card I ever did.  The art and coloring weren't the big deal, it was figuring out how to get the faces into the art.  I don't own a lot of technology or software that could of made this easy.  I had to cut the faces out by hand and glue them in and re-scan.  The final wasn't the sharpest color, but I do like the basic concept.  I think my idea was I hate those Christmas card that are nothing more than a family photo.  I just think they are tacky.  Please take the time to get a real card and insert the picture.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sperm Comic

Right in the middle of all this Christmas joy and I have to put one of these old Sperm of the Moment cartoons.  I did several of these years ago.

Christmas 2004 - Technology and Work Consumed

This was a play on how damn busy I was that year.  I was a full year into a new job and I was just flat out crazy busy.  I was controlled by my cell phone and Palm Pilot.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas 2003 - The Art of Compromise

I really don't remember how this card got started but it seems like it had something to do with the kids wanting to draw their own Christmas cards, and my wife not being happy with my idea.  So the compromise was to have them all do their own idea, and I put them all on one card.  Personally, my snowman card is one of my favorites.  It was a play on the fact I have two boys, and we can pee in the snow, and we can write when we pee, much to the disgust and chagrin of my wife.

As I was loading all this up I recalled way there is not a 2002 card.  That was the December I was downsized out of a job.  After riding out the market crash of 2000, 9-11, Enron, growing the company footprint through this and three acquisitions, I was just shown the door when they wanted to consolidate office space in my market.  To say the least I was not in a good place to be doing a card.

After 6 months of looking I did get back to work in 2003 and the year wound up being a pretty good year.

The rough

My wife's idea
My oldest son, age 8

The colored version.  Notice the yellow snow.

Youngest son's idea, age 5