I see today is National Donut Day. Really do we need to promote eating more crap? Hey, I like donuts just as much as the next, I rarely ever get one, mostly because I just don't find myself in a place to get one. I get the feeling looking around, listening to the news and actually talking to a lot of people, we don't need any help promoting donuts.
I'm pretty sure in my prior life I was a squirrel. This morning I was really anxious like some impending doom was waiting me. I notice squirrels on the front lawn while they are foraging, and they can't seem to stop stopping and looking around. Every few seconds, they stop, stand up, look around, then go about what they were doing, only to do the same thing a few seconds later. I bet they stop every 10 seconds. What are they really afraid of? I don't ever see many squirrels killed on the front lawn. What they really need to be afraid of is being stupid about crossing the road.
One of the interesting side benefits of working from home, is letting yourself go sometimes. Offensive to your family maybe, but how bad could you smell if you don't work up a sweat?
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